2024 Term 4 Week 6
Principal Report
A big congratulations goes out to staff and students for the fantastic effort in moving the entire school to the Shire Hall seamlessly! We have all settled in well and those who have been inside would probably agree that it looks amazing and we have some very well-organised and productive work spaces. The students have adapted well to the new routines and are particularly enjoying getting to go to the park (which has swings) every day! Thank you to all who helped make this mammoth move happen, we appreciate your help. A special mention to Peter Muscat from TCS who coordinated the move and to our IT tech, Nav, who has us up and running online.
Last week I was at the Principal Forum in Toowoomba. Our executive director – Dr Pat spoke to us about vision and focused on the quote “where there is no vision, the people don’t perish, they leave”. He prompted us to think about our vision for our own schools and challenged us to make sure that the vision is widely understood by all stakeholders. I would like to think that our vision is captured in our Habits of the Heart and Mind and that all understand that our vision is to help create ‘good people’ and ‘good learners’. With this in mind, we have had a bit of a review of the Habits of the Heart and Mind and made a few minor changes so that they align with our vision. We have taken our total number of habits from 10 down to 6 and tweaked a few so that they capture our current landscape. So our revised Habits of the Heart are: Belonging, Justice (new) and Service and our Habits of the Mind are: Curiosity, Metacognition (new) and Persistence. We have begun discussions with the students about why they have changed and how the new ones fit with our school culture. This is a topic we love to talk about so please feel free to ask any of the teachers about our revised habits. We don’t want anyone to perish, or leave!
We’ve also been finalising our staff plans for next year. Our teachers and classes are all locked in and we are pleased to announce that we have already employed a new Community Liaison/School Officer – Tashayla Wharton. We will welcome Tashayla to the team at the beginning of next year. She comes to us with a wealth of experience as a school officer and is a well known member of our local community. We know you will all make her feel welcome next year.
We still have a couple of positions that are being organised. We will most likely be looking for one or two part-time teachers to fill in some teacher release roles and possibly another school officer/administration assistant. These positions will be advertised once they have been finalised. For 2025, we are pleased that Mrs Belinda Tolete will be taking on two extra days and will be the Deputiser for the school in any times I am absent for extended periods of time next year. Miss Ellie Charlton will take on a Mission & Identity Co-ordinator role to help us with the religious life of the school and will help us to ensure that our Mercy Charism shines through. I know both of these staff members will perform these duties exceptionally and I look forward to working with them next year.
There will be lots coming up in the next few weeks so please watch the school Facebook page, messages and apps to stay on top of what is happening.
Have a fantastic fortnight.
Mrs Cara Haig
Welcome to Week Six! What a huge fortnight, with the big move to the hall. The students have done exceptionally well with the transition and have settled into our routines very well. It has been a big adjustment, but it is wonderful to see the students take it on and embrace change.
In English, we have been looking at a new text type. Last semesters we have delved into informative texts and imaginative texts, but this term we are looking at persuasive texts. The students are beginning to understand that persuasive texts are when authors are trying to convince us. We loved the story ‘Don’t let the Pigeon drive the bus’ last week, as they all explored different things they would or wouldn't let a pigeon drive. Some suggested that they WOULD like a pigeon to drive our school bus... I’m not too sure how that would pan out.
In Mathematics, we are doing a lot of consolidation work on numbers to 20 and beyond. We have been getting so much more proficient at addition and subtraction stories at 10. We have jumped back into subitising to refresh their recall skills. Lastly, we are going to explore 2D shapes further.
In HASS, we have been exploring family dynamics and specifically, their own personal family dynamics. This week, students will be bringing home a note and a questionnaire that they need to complete with an adult at home. The students will need to think of their question, by themselves, to find out more information about their family. This form, once filled out, needs to be returned to school by next Wednesday 13.11.24 or as soon as possible before then.
In Health, we have continued our Daniel Morcombe unit but have joined forces with the Year 1 class to do this. The students are really enjoying having a big buddy and are working together to complete tasks about their safety and how to react when in an unsafe situation.
We have also begun swimming lessons, and the students have been enjoying cooling off in the warm weather. Remember, the preps swim twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please make sure to send your child with swimmers, a sun safe shirt/rashy, shoes to wear to the pool (thongs or slides) and a towel. If you have any issues with getting any of these things, please don’t hesitate to come see me.
Again, thank you so much for your continued support and as always, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Miss Sophie Walker
Prep Teacher
Year 1
Welcome to Week 6! Our transition to the hall has been very successful and the students are starting to settle back into their routine.
In English we have continued looking at narrative texts but have moved our focus to poems, chants and rhymes. We have been exploring rhyme and how it creates cohesion within our texts. The students have really enjoyed adapting known chants and rhymes but changing the rhyming pair. We will be moving on to alliteration over the next fortnight and I look forward to seeing where this takes us.
In Maths we have wrapped up our duration and time unit, with students ordering and comparing events based on their duration. This topic has been enjoyed by all and the students have demonstrated a good understanding of this. We are moving onto problem solving and will be engaging in many 3 Act Tasks over the coming weeks. We will be working on communicating our thinking using mathematical modelling and vocabulary.
In Health we have continued our Daniel Morcombe unit but have joined forces with the Prep class to do this. The students are really enjoying being buddies with the Preps and are working together to complete tasks about their safety and how to react when in an unsafe situation. We have also begun swimming lessons and the students have been enjoying cooling off in the warm weather. Please make sure to send your child with swimmers, a sunsafe shirt/rashy, shoes to wear to the pool (thongs or slides) and a towel. If you have any issues with getting any of these things please don’t hesitate to come see me.
I look forward to touching base in a fortnight! Enjoy.
Miss Ellie Charlton
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
Welcome to Week 6!
We are now at the hall, and I am so proud of the Grade 2s for working so hard and adapting so well to the new environment. Their dedication and enthusiasm has been amazing!
We’ve been busy bees the last fortnight, and here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to:
In English, we’re continuing our work on procedural texts. The students are getting really good at following and creating their own instructions! In Maths, our focus remains on money. The students are learning to recognise coins and notes, and they’re practicing making change.
In Science, we’ve been exploring materials that can change. The highlight has been creating sculptures using different materials and observing how they transform. In Health, we’re continuing the Daniel Morcombe unit, which teaches the students about staying safe in our community. It’s an important and engaging program.
Swimming lessons have started, and it’s perfect timing with the hot weather! The students are enjoying cooling off and learning important water safety skills. In Religion, we’re beginning to learn about Advent. The students are excited to explore the meaning and traditions of this special time.
As we ramp up our assessments, attendance is crucial. However, we understand that there’s a lot of sickness going around. Please take care of yourselves and your children. If your child is unwell, it’s best for them to rest and recover fully before returning to school.
Thank you for your continued support. Let’s have a fantastic Week 6!
Miss Grace Carter
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3/4
Happy week 6! Another fortnight done and dusted, and nothing like a change of scenery to keep everyone on their toes! We have officially made it to the hall, and I am so proud of the 3/4 students and how well they have adjusted to the change. They have shown so much focus and flexibility in our new classroom environment and their dedication to learning has not changed. They should be extremely proud of themselves, as I definitely am!
Over the past fortnight, students have continued working on their informative paragraph writing skills. They have been presented with information to construct a paragraph, a poorly written paragraph and reconstructed it, as well as researching information and working within pairs to continue building their skills.
The students have continued to conduct research for their websites “All About Yowah”. Some students have begun writing their informative paragraphs for their websites, as well as providing themselves and others feedback using the success criteria.
To provide students with hands on experience and learning, on Thursday 7th, we will be venturing to Eulo and Yowah for an excursion. Supported by our extremely knowledgeable tour guides, Dan and Cheese, the students will depart from school at 7.45am with the company of myself and Mrs Allan. They will learn about the natural resources within our region. Students received a permission slip for this excursion last week, if your child has not returned their permission slip, please do so as soon as possible!
Please ensure that for the excursion your child has:
A Hat, Sunscreen, 2 Water Bottles, A Packed Lunch, A School Bag, and socks with shoes.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this excursion, feel free to come and see me!
Thank you for your continued ongoing support this semester. Once again, congratulations to all of 3/4 for such a smooth transition to the hall and I’m excited for the upcoming adventures this term.
Have a great fortnight!
Miss Aimee Bretherton
Year 3/4 Teacher
Year 5/6
As you are well aware we are now settled into the hall and fully immersed in our final assessments and projects. We are also eagerly looking ahead to the graduation celebrations and the Sacred Heart GALA. Unfortunately, sickness has impacted both myself, and many of the students, so just a reminder to maintain good hygiene in the coming weeks to stay healthy—let’s try to keep everyone well!
This fortnight in English, we've been exploring the art of poetry, learning to write haikus and limericks. Our mathematics lessons have focused on converting fractions into decimals.
In religious studies, we've continued to participate in various prayer practices, deepening our spiritual understanding. We’ve also embarked on the design phase of our light-up Christmas cards as part of our science projects, which has been a creative and festive endeavour.
The much-anticipated swimming lessons have finally begun as part of our HPE studies, and the students are making great strides in their skills.
Just a reminder that the Year 6 graduation dinner will be taking place Monday week 8 (the 18th of November) so if you are a year 6 parent, please ensure all graduation forms and payments are back as soon as possible so that numbers can be confirmed. If you need another form, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Crick.
Have a lovely fortnight!
Mrs Abby Kindelan
Year 5/6 Teacher
Class Awards
Swimming Term 4
Now school is operating out of the Shire Hall, students will partake in extra swimming. Below are the dates and times of your child's swimming lessons for the second half of the term.
Prep to Year 2 will be swimming Tuesdays and Thursdays and Years 3-6 will be swimming Wednesdays and Fridays
Tuesday 12th November & Tuesday 19th November
- Year 2 – 11.15am – 11.45am
- Year 1 – 11.45am – 12.15pm
- Prep – 12.15pm – 12.45pm
Wednesday 13th November & Wednesday 20th November
- Years 3-6 – 2pm – 3pm
Thursday 7th November, Thursday 14th November, Thursday 21st November & Thursday 28th November
- Year 2 – 11.45am – 12.15pm
- Year 1 – 12.15pm – 12.45pm
- Prep – 2.15pm – 2.45pm
Friday 8th November, Friday 15th November, Friday 22nd November & Friday 29th November
- Year 3/4- 12.15pm – 12.45pm
- Year 5/6 – 2.15pm – 2.45pm
End of Term Pool Party – Thursday 5th December – 11am – 1pm
Hi everyone!
As the end of year gala quickly approaches, please ensure that if you or your child would like to be part of this performance, they must be attending dance class every week @ Shire Hall!
There will be a roll kept each week to monitor attendance.
Dance class times are:
- Ages 3-4 (Preschool) 3:20-3:45
- Ages 5-6 3:45-4:15
- Ages 7+ 4:15-5:00
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Bretherton
Uniform Policy
The school uniform represents the pride we have for our children and our school. A smart, neat and user-friendly uniform encourages the children to take pride in their appearance and in the school. The school uniform requirements:
Hats: Our school policy is ‘NO HAT – NO PLAY’. A green school hat must be worn and can be purchased form the office.
Jewellery: The only jewellery allowed is one set of fine studs or sleepers, a chain with some form of religious significance and watches.
Nail Polish: Nail polish is not to be worn.
Hair: Children’s hair must be neat and tidy. If hair is below the collar it needs to be tied back with appropriate white or green accessories. It is expected that hairstyles reflect the code of dress required by the school. The colouring of hair and unusual hairstyles are not acceptable.
2025 Prep Enrolment
School SZapp
The school has the SZapp available for down loading. This app is great for finding out what is happening at school. The newsletter goes directly to the app and notifications come straight from school. The instructions are as follows.
Tuition Fees
Term 4 Fees have been sent home, can these please be paid by Friday 15th November 2024. At Sacred Heart, we have several payment options for your convenience: Cash, Cheque, ETPOS, Direct Debit and Centrepay. For further details on these payment options please see the school office.
Student Protection
At Sacred Heart the safety and wellbeing of our students is our highest priority. All children should grow up free of violence or exploitation and be able to learn in a safe and supported environment. Schools have a number of specific child protection reporting obligations that are detailed in our Student Protection Processes and Guidelines.
It is a legislative requirement that all non-state schools have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report the behaviour of another staff member that the student considers inappropriate. We call these specially trained staff members School Student Protection Contacts, or SSPCs. Each SSPC has been nominated by the principal in recognition of their integrity, approachability and knowledge in the area of student protection. Whilst students are encouraged to speak up to any trusted adult in the school community, it is important that they know they can access these specific staff members at any time should they have worries, queries or concerns. You will have noticed posters throughout the school depicting our current SSPCs. The SSPCs are also published on our school website along with information about our student protection processes. In everything we do at Sacred Heart Primary School student safety is our highest priority, therefore the SSPCs at our school are key personnel in our overall safeguarding processes.
If a student wants to talk to someone about harm, abuse or inappropriate behaviour toward themselves or others, they can speak to a trusted staff member or one of our School Student Protection Contacts (SSPCs). The SSPCs receive additional training and are identified in the student protection posters displayed around the school.
Summary documents have been developed for parents and caregivers about our student protection obligations and our broader strategy for maintaining safe school environments.
Further information on all of the above topics can be found on the Toowoomba Catholic Schools website at the link below:
Embed Link - https://www.twb.catholic.edu.au/parents-and-community/student-protection/
Our Schools Student Protection Contacts are:
- Miss Ailie Lewis (APRE)
- Mrs Carolyn Crick (Administration Officer)
- Mr Jesse Kupper (School Guidance Counsellor)
- Mrs Cara Haig (Co-Principal)
- Mrs Pollyanna Goodman (Co-Principal)
You can ONLY order Tuckshop on the App. Please down load the Flexischools App.
Flexischools App
The tuckshop uses the App called Flexischools. This will make ordering and paying for Tuckshop easier. Attached are the instructions to download and use the App. Make sure you update your child's class name.